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Friday 27 June 2014

Metabolism Booster- Green Tea !!

Want to know what all the fuss about green tea is? Apart from being a refreshing, soothing beverage – served hot or cold – it's an easy metabolism-booster, packed with antioxidants that help burn fat.

Green tea and weight loss
Research shows that green tea can lower blood sugar levels and reduce the absorption of fat from the intestine. So, if you're looking to shed a few pounds, you may want to consider adding a cup or two of green tea to your daily diet.

Healthy green tea for a healthy heart
Most teas contain vitamins and antioxidants, but green tea goes one step beyond. Not only does it aid with weight loss, it's also helps fight various cancers and heart disease. The antioxidant in green tea, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), helps to speed up the recovery of heart cells and minimizes cell death after a heart attack.

How to make healthy green tea
There are many different flavours of green tea you can enjoy. So long as those green tea leaves are present, you're going to get all those great health benefits that come with it. If you're steeping green tea leaves in hot water, be sure to throw in your favoucrite herbs, such as ginger, mint or chamomile. For refreshing iced green tea, just let the fresh tea cool at room temperature for 30 minutes and then refrigerate for about two hours.

For more healthy and refreshing recipes, visit my previous blog:  Century Green Tea Tasty Recipes !!

From the desk of
Rajan Arora 
Ajit Singh Om Prakash Ltd.
Century Industries Ltd.

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