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Tuesday 17 June 2014

About Century Tea - Largest Green Tea Suppliers in India

We are an organic tea grower and dedicated green tea manufacturer devoted to provide you the best quality loose long leaf natural green tea in India directly from the world-famous tea region of Assam, India. It is a common belief among tea lovers across the world that hand made natural green tea is one of the best green tea available in the market, both for your health as well as taste.


So, instead of relying on mechanical processing to create large batches of lower-quality blended teas, we follow sustainable cultivation techniques to produce our tea leaves and then hand-process them to produce a bold, natural & flavourful organic green tea with some unique qualities that is normally missing in the blended green teas available in the supermarkets of India nowadays. 

Now You can order your Green Tea ONLINE !!!!!!! To order or contact, write us at

From the desk of
Rajan Arora 
Ajit Singh Om Prakash Ltd.
Century Industries Ltd.

1 comment:

  1. Today most of the person prefers green tea for good health. You can take it regularly in daily routine. it may be costly than other regularly. You can purchase it from Green Tea Supplier in Jaipur.
